The intention for this virtual gathering is to use your breath consciously to reconnect you to your own power. As everything, power is energy and when flowing from a place of trust & love, it is an energy that can illuminate you, guide you, lift you up & keep you going. You will utilize your breath - your ultimate life force - to open yourself up to your own power and the power of life and to break through any old patterning, beliefs & energetic gunk that is keeping you from living truly & freely, especially in and around the area of your solar plexus, where power is said to reside energetically in the human body. Your breath will guide & reconnect you to your inner fire - that part of us that many might still be a little scared of, because of the way many of us were taught to relate to it.
Breathwork is an active 3-part Pranayama breathing meditation technique that allows you to instantly get out of your head & into your body. It’s a somatic tool that let’s you to access & move stuck energy & clear your mind, body and soul of any stuckness & tension you may be experiencing. Breath work allows you to become aware of any kind of blocks and self-limiting patterns and beliefs you might be holding in your body, in order to move through them & release them. Breathwork really connects you to your innate wisdom, your intuition & power, because you and your breath are doing it all! There’s is no prior breathwork experience necessary.
You can read more about Breathwork here.
Questions - You can Email me with any questions or concerns regarding the session beforehand & I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Registration closes two hours before we gather.
Time - The time given is CET. That is 1.30 pm in New York & 10.30am in LA.
Location - The session will be held via Zoom and you will get an E-Mail with all the information & preparation two hours before the meeting, as well as a recording & a link to the playlist afterwards, whether you attended live or not. Please check your spam folder before the session.
Payment - this class is donation based to make this practice more accessible during these times, but if possible a donation is welcome via Paypal to (my usual group exchange is 20 Euros).
Refunds - there are no refunds to this class.