Alchemy of I is the guiding philosophy behind everything I do and offer.
I am here to help people who identify as sensitive, deep feeling, anxious of their power, empaths or gifted, re-write their story about what kind of person they can be in the world.
I don’t help you ‘heal’ the sensitive, I help you alchemise it, leverage and transmute it into the strength it really offers each of us.
Explore this page to get a feel for how I work and if it speaks to you, let’s chat :)
Move in the world
Sensitive & Strong.
I’m a modern energy alchemist, visionary and somatic coach who helps sensitive souls navigate the world from within their discerning nervous systems without needing to change who they are for a world that doesn’t understand them. YET.
My work is not for everyone: I have a finely tuned system and my offering is designed to really support the ones like me - who may appear to have successfully ‘overcome’ their sensitivity, but are suffering on the inside because they haven’t quite accessed the power within their sensitivity, yet.
I offer an Alchemical Container that is uniquely attuned to every nervous system, but weaves together the tools I trust in my own body.
My approach is inspired by my own experience in learning how to alchemise what I thought were my weaknesses into my superpowers. I am always adding depth and experience to my work and tools of alchemy, but I have a few tools and ways to work with me that are proven:
The Alchemy Spiral
There is never a rigid process to my path, but the process of Alchemy I relate to as a spiral.
Each session I co-create with you, follows the spiral, it carries the work within the body, soul and energy to where it needs to go.
Ways to Alchemise With Me:
Whether you identify as an empath, a highly sensitive or gifted person, or you are simply feeling anxious and fearful of life itself, I am highly attuned to nervous system sensitivities and will adapt any session to meet you where you are at. Explore the tools below and you can either go ahead and book or contact me and together we’ll decide what would suit your needs:
About my Influences, Approach and Lineage.
My name is Daniela Lucia, which can be translated into God is my judge and light. And I feel it’s part of my purpose in this life time to remind sensitive souls of their light medicine and power and that our light oftentimes shines brightest in the dark. My sun is in Libra, ascendant in Gemini and Moon in Capricorn and I am an INFJ and sacral authority generator. True connection to others and myself brings me the most joy, as well as communication which is also one of my biggest wounds and medicine. The element I am most connected to is the air. The woods are my forever happy place and I love offering and participating in rituals and ceremonies. I am a total bibliophile and read about four books per week. My two cat fur babies are my true companions on my journey.
I believe every sensitive soul has a gift waiting to be seen and shared with the world in whatever way feels most aligned. And I believe the world we live in has taught many of us that sensitive equals weak and our healing is deeply rooted in re-writing that story for ourselves and others. We all are unique and so are our paths to healing. But I believe the (energetic) body is always a great entry point to the guidance we seek. It is sending us clues and communitcating with us all the time - we just have to be willing to listen to its subtleties. I am passionate about guiding you to this place of inner knowing and guidance, where you can access your own medicine. Because I deeply believe that WE ARE OUR OWN MEDICINE. I am gentle and direct with my work and seek to hold a safe container for all of you and I am very comfortable to help you navigate your shadow aspects, because true alchemy can only occur when we get to the roots of things, which can be bitter sweet at times. But I can tell you it’s always worth it.
I am passionate about working with empaths and sensitive souls and guiding them to open up to their sense of self and unique gifts. Because experience has shown me again and again that these gifts are there for a reason.
In my work, I love to bridge science and intuition, because I believe that we can only truly thrive and be balanced when our mind and soul can co-create our human experience. Both are important. Most people that come to me are very head strong individuals (like me :-)) that feel like there is more to experience than the linear way of our minds and are wanting to get curious about themselves, their soul essence, and seeking to find a balance between their head and their heart and their intuition.
When holding space for others, I weave together many different lineages and I am passionate about expanding my perspective and horizon constantly as it truly lights me up. In the following I am going to name the practices and teachers that shaped my work the most until now. I have already mentioned that I have a very analytic mind that co-exists with equally strong intuitive abilities. So it is fair to say that the foundation of my work is a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and German, where I specialized in some Miggle High German writings (around the 1200s) and the psychological profile that is depicted in female characters. Yes, psychology has always been one of my passions. I also graduated from the University of Münster in Germany with a Master of Education.
Breathwork found me when I was in a place of true alchemy and of finding mpre purpose and meaning in my life, which was nevertheless incredibly challenging. This powerful somatic tool helped me navigate my anxious mind and showed me to trust the wisdom of my body and soul and it continues to do so. The lineages that I teach all originate in Pranayama practices and I studied with David Elliot (I am trained in all levels that he teaches, Erin Telford and Lucas Rockwood (I am a certified Yoga Body Breath Coach). My breath work approach is suited for sensitive nervous systems like mine and I love covering all angles of the practice in my teachings - ranging from energy medicine to the scientific background of it all. Trauma informed somatic practices are one of the pillars of my work and embodied guidance and I especially enjoyed studying somatic coaching with the Strozzi Institute here. I truly believe that every moment is a ritual and every day is a ceremony, so I love to deep dive into rituals and the power of ceremony with my clients too. Maria Christina Gabriel’s course The Power of Ceremony has given me a solid foundation to build on here. The power of ritual and my own scandinavian, celtic and germanic ancestry has led me towards immersing myself in the spiritual path of norse shamanism and ancestral healing. Both are a firm part of my offerings. One of my mentors, Kaja Andrea Otto, who guided me through a 7-month-initiation into the path of the völva (norse shamanic seeress) has been a true guiding light for me here to remember the practices that are held deep within my cells and soul. I would also like to mention the shamanic practitioners Jonathan Horwitz and Zara Waldebäck that are such special souls and their inclusive teachings highly influence my work every day. I recently finished a 7-month Reiki Master immersion with the talented Merle Seemann, which really was another deep dive into my own shadow and light and I am grateful for it all. I believe we can only hold a safe and expansive space for others, if we continue to deep dive ourselves.
As you probably know by now, I love soaking up knowledge, and I am currently doing a medicinal herbalist degree, deep diving into the field of medical intuition that has been an interest of mine since forever and studying the art of intuitive tarot reading.
If my offerings, approach and lineage resonate with you, you can either go ahead and book or contact me and together we’ll decide what would suit your needs best at this time. I would love to support you on your path!